Community Engagement
Working together to keep our 'ohana healthy, safe & supportedA Committee Dedicated to Engaging the Community in Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect

Community Engagement Committee
Meetings Every 1st Wednesday
10:00 am – 11:15 am
Neighborhood Place, Wailuku or on Zoom (partners only)
Total Number of People Reached at Events
Number of Community Outreach Events
Engage the Community in Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
As a community, greater understanding and awareness of child abuse and neglect can help reduce risk factors, provide supports, promote resiliency, and reduce stigma for families seeking services. It can also help community members learn how to identify child abuse and neglect and how to respond. Engaging and educating the public about preventing child maltreatment has been a longstanding focus of the Hoʻoikaika Partnership.
Decrease Stigma Around & Increase Equitable Access to, Services
- Better understand partner relationships and spheres of influence with different communities
- Develop new relationships with non-child welfare influencers and natural helping networks who can host conversations and/or events with their community members about child maltreatment and family strengthening
- Invite communities to share stories around needs and barriers to accessing services and what’s working
Host Community Events & Provide Educational Materials that Promote Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect
- Plan a community event for Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month
- Create and/or compile and distribute educational materials focused on child abuse and neglect prevention and family strengthening, especially to promote the protective factors and public education campaigns such as Talking is Teaching and Aloha at Home, among others
Congratulations to 2024 Governor’s Awards Honorees!
Governor Josh Green honored state employees and teams at the 2024 Governor’s Awards, recognizing outstanding public service in Hawai‘i.
Donations Given at Molokaʻi ʻOhana Support Event
Molokaʻi ʻOhana Support, Family Navigator & Partners distributed backpacks for keiki in need & assisted providers and families.
Staying Resilient During Back-to-School Time
Stay resilient this back-to-school season with tips from the Ho’oikaika Partnership. Prioritize self-care, use community resources.
Backpacks & School Supplies Needed for Keiki in Maui County
Hoʻoikaika Partnership is participating in back-to-school events. 300 backpacks & school supplies needed for keiki in Maui county.
Kalo Boy Book Now in Hawaii State Libraries
Kalo Boy Book is now available at Hawaii State Library on ‘Oahu, on the Holoholo Bookmobile, and at Wailuku, Lanai and Molokai Libraries.
Nurturing Resilient Families On Maui
Parenting in today’s fast-paced world is no easy task. Ho’oikaika Partnership has launched a campaign to support families.
Public Education Campaign Overview and Goals
Our public education campaign goal is to educate families about protective factors and reduce the stigma of seeking help.
Help Your Keiki Prepare for Kindergarten
Turn small everyday interactions with your children into big brain and language-building moments to help with healthy brain development.
A Journey to Healing: Never Lose Hope
The video features Kristy, a dedicated mother of five children, and her ‘ohana who went through the system, struggling to find stability, asking for help, falling short at times but always getting back up.
Child Abuse Prevention Events 2023
The Ho’oikaika Partnership invites you to join us in strengthening our ‘ohana, supporting the health of our keiki, & preventing maltreatment.
ʻOhana Fest
More than
Identified as Hawaiian
Organizations Participated
*ʻOhana Fest 2024
Maui Now Features ʻOhana Fest 2024
Hoʻoikaika Partnership’s 4th ‘Ohana Fest 2024 at Maui Nui Botanical Gardens featured family activities, resources, and giveaways.
ʻOhana Fest 2024
ʻOhana Fest 2024 took place at Maui Nui Botanical Gardens on Saturday April 6 from 10am-2pm, theme is “Journey to Make Pono.”
2023 ‘Ohana Fest Event
Ho’oikaika Partnership hosted an event for National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2023, demonstrating community support for keiki & families.
2022 ‘Ohana Fest Event
At 2022 Ohana Fest event, 160 adults and 176 keiki enjoyed a beautiful day at Maui Botanical Gardens, visiting 13 different provider booths.