Seamless Safety Net
Working together to keep our 'ohana healthy, safe & supportedA Committee Dedicated to Create a Seamless Safety Net of Services to Support Children & Their Caregivers
Seamless Safety Net Committee
Meetings Every 4th Wednesday
9:00 am – 10:00 am
On Zoom (partners only)
People Assisted with Navigation Services for Concrete Supports
Families Assisted with Navigation Services
Total Number of Organizations Participating in Monthly Meetings
Create a Seamless Safety Net of Services to Support
Children & Their Caregivers
A 2016 Service Gap Analysis found that for ʻohana and keiki on Maui Island involved with Child Welfare Services (CWS), there was inconsistent, untimely, strained or lack of communication/ documentation between CWS, providers, and families regarding: case status, services availability, referrals, lack of clarity about roles and expectations, program requirements and contract limitations, and discharge readiness. To address this and other systemic problems, strategies to support comprehensive and coordinated service delivery are needed including navigation services to help families obtain resources and weave a seamless safety net among providers.
Promote information sharing to improve coordination between service providers
- Create & maintain provider section on the Hoʻoikaika Partnership website
- Develop ways to streamline communication among providers such as a provider portal on the HP website, integrating information at monthly meetings & creating ways to directly share & update partners on local resources & services
- Explore the use of shared intake forms, referral platforms (such as Unite Us & AUW 211) & assessment tools among providers to improve service coordination and reduce the burden on families trying to access services
Identify & Address Needs & Gaps in the Provider Network & System of Supports Available for Maui Children & Families, Including Family or Person-Centered Services
- Collect data using tools such as focus groups, interviews, surveys, and/or a partner inventory, to understand family perspectives on strengths, needs & gaps to inform provider and Partnership activities
- At least annually, learn from CWS Section Administrator & staff & other providers of Voluntary Case Management (VCM) & Family Support Services (FSS) about client/participant needs & implement activities to help meet those needs
- Provide Hoʻoikaika Navigation Services to help participants access concrete supports, connect families to providers & coordinate with other programs to prevent abuse and/or promote healing
ʻOhana Fest
More than
Identified as Hawaiian
Organizations Participated
*ʻOhana Fest 2024
Maui Now Features ʻOhana Fest 2024
Hoʻoikaika Partnership’s 4th ‘Ohana Fest 2024 at Maui Nui Botanical Gardens featured family activities, resources, and giveaways.
ʻOhana Fest 2024
ʻOhana Fest 2024 took place at Maui Nui Botanical Gardens on Saturday April 6 from 10am-2pm, theme is “Journey to Make Pono.”
2023 ‘Ohana Fest Event
Ho’oikaika Partnership hosted an event for National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2023, demonstrating community support for keiki & families.
2022 ‘Ohana Fest Event
At 2022 Ohana Fest event, 160 adults and 176 keiki enjoyed a beautiful day at Maui Botanical Gardens, visiting 13 different provider booths.