Funding Support for Maui Human Service Providers to Attend IVAT Hawai‘i International Summit on Trauma
Maui, Hawai‘i – [3/19/24] – The 21st Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) Hawaiʻi International Summit on Preventing, Assessing, & Treating Trauma Across the Lifespan will take place from April 8 – 11, 2024, at the Hawai‘i Convention Center in Honolulu. With the theme “Cultivating Healing and Nurturing Connections: Caring for the Earth and Personal Wellness,” this Summit promises to be a vital platform for advancing knowledge and practices in trauma care.
The Summit will offer a diverse array of learning opportunities tailored to the needs of Maui’s human service providers. From addressing adverse childhood experiences and grief to supporting vulnerable populations and fostering prevention and early intervention strategies, sessions will help practitioners learn skills to address the long-term impacts of the wildfire disaster and offer opportunities for self-care and wellness, healing and support.

The participation of Maui human service providers is especially crucial as the summit will offer valuable insights and resources to address the aftermath of Maui’s recent disasters and the long-term effects on individuals and communities. These people have been on the frontlines, responding to emergencies and providing day-to-day support to ensure families are healthy and thriving.
Due to the critical role played by Maui human service providers in responding to the wildfire disaster and their ongoing commitment to supporting families, the community is rallying behind efforts to ensure their attendance at this important event. Thanks to the generous support of HMSA, the Ho‘oikaika Partnership has secured funding to cover the $500 registration fee for up to 30 (now 60) providers.
However, the costs for airfare, lodging and meals are approximately $1,500 per person and not within the budget of many local human service agencies. On behalf of Maui human service providers, the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) obtained additional support to cover participant travel expenses. “We recognize that the need to enhance the workforce is pivotal to helping Maui recover from the recent fires and deal with ongoing issues. The Summit is an opportunity to provide additional support to providers on the island,” said Chelsea Hill, Training and Continuing Education Manager of IVAT.
The collaboration of HMSA, Kaiser Permanente of Hawai‘i, Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawai‘i, (IVAT, Hawaii Community Foundation,) and Stupski Foundation collectively raised $57,650 (now$104,000). “This really shows the power of collaboration. By working together, we’re able to achieve things that no one entity could do on their own. We’re incredibly grateful,” said Deb Marois, Hoʻoikaika Partnership coordinator.
Maui human service providers are encouraged to seize this opportunity for professional development, networking, and contributing to the advancement of trauma care practices. Providers may apply below for the IVAT funding support.
Applications Are Now Closed for the IVAT Funding Support
Thank you for applying. We gave out 60 funding support for service providers on Maui. See you at IVAT.
The funding support covers the IVAT registration fee, flights, and lodging. Donʻt wait, apply now!
“We’re encouraging human service providers who are on the front lines to apply. There is a place on the application where you can indicate your financial need,” explained Kelly Sim, a member of Ho‘oikaika Partnership’s Leadership Hui and Senior Director, Strategic Consulting Unit at Casey Family Programs, a generous funder of child abuse prevention and family strengthening.
Community members interested in supporting this endeavor are invited to donate and share the donation link to help Maui providers attend the summit. The PayPal link is available on both the IVAT and Ho‘oikaika Partnership websites.
IVAT is a 501(c)(3) organization that condemns violence and oppression in all its forms. Hoʻoikaika Partnership is a coalition of organizations, individuals, county and state agencies committed to preventing child abuse and neglect in Maui County.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Chelsea Hill, Training and Continuing Education Manager
Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT)
Deb Marois, Ho‘oikaika Partnership (HP) Coordinator
Reprinted from Maui Now March 29, 2024
How to Donate
When donating in IVATʻs Paypal link below, select “Iʻd like this money to go towards Summit Scholarships for Maui Providers” to ensure funding goes to Maui County Service Providers.

Funders for Maui Providers to Attend IVAT 2024
Our work at Hoʻoikaika Partnership is made possible through the generous funding from our donors including those listed below. The collaboration of HMSA, Kaiser Permanente of Hawai‘i, Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawai‘i, Stupski Foundation, IVAT, and Hawaii Community Foundation collectively raised nearly $104,000 for 60 providers. “This really show the power of collaboration. By working together, we’re able to achieve things that no one entity could do on their own. We’re incredibly grateful,” said Deb Marois, Hoʻoikaia Partnership coordinator.