Hoʻoikaika Partnership is hosting a special lunch gathering for our partners and allies on December 13, 2023 from 11 am – 1:30 pm at Maui Beach Hotel.
We had fun, relaxed a bit, and connected with longtime colleagues and new friends.
Our partnership thrives because of participation, connection and the collaborative effort of partners and allies who regularly attend meetings, serve on committees, organize community events, refer families to navigation services, and help with the annual conference. As one of the toughest years we’ve ever experienced collectively comes to an end, it’s a good time to reflect on our work together. Despite the ongoing challenges, it’s important to take time out to appreciate and celebrate each other and all we’ve achieved by working together to strengthen families and prevent child maltreatment.
We are grateful for the generous support of all our funders and especially Casey Family Programs for supporting this event!
Our Sponser
This event was made possible through the generous funding from our donor Casey Family Programs. Maui Family Support Services is the fiscal agent for Hoʻoikaika Partnership.